all postcodes in PA15 / GREENOCK

find any address or company within the PA15 postcode district

Postcode Area

PA / Paisley

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PA15 2AD 83 3 55.944266 -4.732184
PA15 2AJ 1 1 55.945263 -4.730588
PA15 2AR 1 1 55.945884 -4.722139
PA15 2BB 3 0 55.939747 -4.741795
PA15 2BE 26 2 55.940732 -4.737185
PA15 2BH 7 1 55.940482 -4.736209
PA15 2BJ 35 0 55.940623 -4.734746
PA15 2BL 7 0 55.940029 -4.737202
PA15 2BP 53 0 55.941406 -4.735874
PA15 2BQ 19 0 55.941063 -4.734761
PA15 2BS 1 1 55.941649 -4.733441
PA15 2BT 10 2 55.941357 -4.734061
PA15 2BU 2 2 55.942549 -4.733085
PA15 2DE 27 0 55.940218 -4.730281
PA15 2DF 10 0 55.939222 -4.731044
PA15 2DG 22 0 55.93997 -4.730135
PA15 2DH 3 0 55.940509 -4.728508
PA15 2DJ 16 0 55.939676 -4.729602
PA15 2DL 22 0 55.939439 -4.729345
PA15 2DN 8 0 55.939166 -4.72907